Lost journal, entry 3
This entry covers this week's episode. It is written as if the entry was made before the writer went into the hatch. Enjoy.
Day 43
I had the strangest dream last night. (actually, all my dreams have been rather bizarre since I've been on this island) I'm not sure how I was able to see this, but I saw the group on the raft. They appeared to be out in open ocean. The raft looked like it had been damaged severely. It was in several pieces and the cabin part had been destroyed. Sawyer pulled Michael out of the water onto the largest part. He revived him and collapsed onto the deck. It appeared he had been hurt. Walt was nowhere to be seen. Neither was Jin. Michael started calling out for Walt. Sawyer told him he should conserve his energy. I got the impression Walt had been kidnapped. Michael told Sawyer that he was calling out so that Walt could hear him and know he was looking for him. Sawyer said that Walt was probably too far away to hear. Something started shaking the raft. Both Michael and Sawyer tried to figure out what it was. It was a shark. (it was probably attracted by the blood from Sawyer's wound..Michael implied as much) It wasn't like any shark I 've ever seen though..it had a strange symbol on its back. Dreams are sometimes weird, aren't they? Sawyer called out for Jin, thinking he was still in the water. Sawyer and Michael then started arguing. Michael blamed Sawyer for his son's being taken. Sawyer got mad and jumped off the raft part. He swam to another part and climbed on it. He then tried to remove the bullet from his shoulder, with his bare hands. (I don't know how I knew he'd been shot, but it appeared he had been) It looked like it hurt. A lot. After he finished, he was still his acerbic self asking Michael if he had a band-aid. They continued taking verbal potshots at each other. Sawyer said he got hurt trying to stop the men in the boat from taking Walt.
Still no sign of Jin. The shark appeared again. Sawyer had a gun. Michael made some derisive comments about that.
They managed to keep the shark away and survived the night. As morning broke they found out that the raft parts had drifted back to the island. What part of the island, I'm not sure. It didn't look like any area I've explored.
Michael and Sawyer made it to shore and collapsed on the beach. Jin came stumbling out of the woods. His hands were tied behind him. He kept shouting "others" in English. Shortly after, several threatening looking people with weapons stepped out of the woods.
I woke up shortly after that. I hope something like that didn't really happen to them. I've been praying for their safety ever since they left.
I hope I don't have another dream like that tonight.